St. Bonaventure University

Parents' Voices

SBU parents share what being a Bonnie means to them and their student

Danny and Peyton Manion
"From the small class sizes and personal connections made at St. Bonaventure to the variety of extracurricular clubs and activities available to their students, we’ve really been pleased with everything this beautiful campus has to offer."

'Blessed to be a Bonnie'

Education has always been a top priority in our home, but we also value the importance of being a well-rounded individual. Naturally, as our children began their college search, we considered universities that had a breadth of academic success and extracurricular activities.

Our oldest son, Danny, always aspired to play baseball at the collegiate level, and knew he wanted to pursue a career in business and sports management. Luckily, when Danny was given the opportunity to play baseball at SBU, it was a perfect match for him in all facets.

In his three years at SBU, he has resided on campus every year and has experienced campus life to its fullest. We knew from his very first visit that it was going to be the perfect place for him to reach his goals and experience all the things college has to offer.

As parents, we were impressed right from the start with the sense of community and the university's dedication to the same Christian values with which we had raised our children. From the Spring Accepted Student Orientation and dinner to the Candlelight Opening Ceremony, we instantly knew that our son was exactly where he needed to be.

This is a place where Danny has grown, developed lifelong friendships, and is preparing himself for a bright future. We know that the education Danny is receiving and the sense of community he is experiencing with his Bonnies family will launch him on the right path for success.

This year has started off quite differently from others with the pandemic presenting its own set of challenges for universities all across the country. No one could have imagined the difficulties we'd be facing, yet in spite of those obstacles, we have seen how late University President Dr. Dennis DePerro, his administration, faculty and staff have worked diligently to ensure that the students could continue their education in person, while providing safeguards to keep the safety of students, faculty and staff a top priority.

Basing decisions and methods on their Franciscan values, SBU has come together as a community to provide everyone in the campus community with the opportunity to learn in a safe and caring environment.

We are grateful that our son is right where he should be, at a university that cares about its students and offers a quality education to prepare him for his chosen career, and to tackle life with the values reaffirmed during his time at SBU.

Our son is blessed to be a Bonnie!

Dan and Carla Manion
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